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To develop both individual and team skills and to maximize the team’s opportunity to have success, it is important that we abide by the policies and procedures outlined in this document. Failure to meet these expectations can result in reduced playing time, suspension from practices and games or removal from the team in severe circumstances.


  1. All players will provide maximum effort in practice and games and will arrive on time and properly equipped (e.g. wearing practice uniform with equipment specified by the coach). Tardiness, not arriving properly equipped, and missing practices and/or games affects more than just the individual and can have significant consequences for team.
  2. All players, regardless of ability and/or playing time are equal members of the team. Each and every player will treat all teammates with respect.
  3. Players are expected to directly seek understanding and resolution when questions or problems arise with coaches and teammates.
  4. Players will conduct their personal lives in a manner that brings honor to themselves and the team. This includes school performances, self-respect, healthy behaviors and social responsibility.
  5. All players will treat officials, opponents, and coaches with dignity and respect. Talking back to coaches or officials will not be tolerated and may result in loss of playing time or suspension from the team.


Practices begin on October 1st to the conclusion of the league tournaments (approximately March 15th). During that time attendance and at practices, team meetings, and games is mandatory. We make exceptions for players that have commitments to other teams during the fall sports season (Sept and October) teams to enable them to fulfill their commitments.

If selected to play on a Woodinville Boys Select Basketball team, a player commits to making his Woodinville team his top basketball priority during the basketball season. While scheduling conflicts of all types (with other sports, teams and activities) may arise from time-to-time, if they are continuous and/or not communicated to the Coaches in advance, a player's position on the team will be reevaluated by the coaching staff and the Woodinville Board. At the very least, players should expect that their playing time will be negatively impacted by missing (excused or unexcused) scheduled practices and games, subject to the discretion of the Coaches.

Injured players are expected to attend practices and games. While they may be unable to play, they are still expected to attend games and practices, to learn team concepts and play, to encourage teammates and to assist the team in any way they can.

When a player will be absent PLAYERS are responsible for informing the coach via a text message, phone call, or in-person meeting at the earliest possible time, but at least 24 hours prior to missing game/practice. Obviously, a sudden illness can happen with less than 24 hours until the start of practice and those should be reported as soon as possible to coaching staff via a text message, phone call, or in-person meeting.

The club is supportive of multi-sport athletes and recognizes that from time to time there are conflicts, particularly during the overlap in fall/winter and winter/spring seasons.

  • If players are playing a fall sport and have conflicting fall team activities, they are expected to prioritize their commitment to their fall team. If they need to miss basketball practices/games prior to November 3rd to meet their obligations to their fall team these absences will be considered excused if the player notifies the coach according to the guidelines mentioned above.
  • If players are playing a spring sport and have conflicting spring team activities, they are expected to prioritize their commitment to the Woodinville Boys Select basketball team. If they need to miss basketball practices/games prior to the conclusion of the ETL league tournament and the ETL vs Wesco challenge (if their team qualifies for that tournament) to meet their obligations to their spring team these absences will be considered unexcused.

The coach is the sole decision maker for whether and absence is excused or unexcused. The club has provided them the following guidelines for decision making, however we give them discretion in their decision making to allow for them to consider the circumstances of the absence as not all situations are black and white.


Examples of excused absences could include:

  • Illness
  • Significant school project or event with 24 hour notice to the coach (e.g. National History Day project or final exams)
  • Major family events such as weddings, funerals, graduations, and major reunions
  • If a fall sports team qualifies for post-season play and the practice or game is prior to November 17th

Players are allowed 4 unexcused absences during season, after 4 unexcused absences a player may be suspended from the team. Prior to any application of penalty more severe that reduction in playing time, the coach will get approval from the VP of the Select program.

Examples of unexcused absences could include:

  • Absences in which the coach was not informed via text message, phone call, or in-person meeting 24 hours prior to practice and/or the reason for the absence is not satisfactory. (For example, if you have a school band concert, you know the schedule long in advance, so notifying the coach the day of the concert is not acceptable
  • Missing practice to attend a practice for another team (outside of the exceptions outlined previously in this document)
  • Missing practice to complete homework
  • Being unable to secure transportation to/from practice